Analysis of vegetation cover and land use of the river basin Peixe – Boi - Pará through Landsat 5 satellite images

Hugo Amancio Sales Silva, Maria Nazaré Martins Maciel, Sérgio Campos, Bruno Wendell de Freitas Pereira, Mariana de Campos


Forests have been increasingly degraded by man. Therefore, in this context, arises the need to assess the model of occupation and land use in order to identify its relations with different levels of local resource degradation and thus organize methods of recovery of these areas. This study aims at the integration of remote sensing technique and TM/Landsat 5 images processing for classification of the land cover and land use in the Peixe-Boi basin, Pará, Brazil in 2008. The land cover and land use analysis of the basin shows that exists a great exploitation of the natural resources. The pasture class was the more significant vegetation cover in the region, characteristic of the Amazonian area by the implantation of this on great areas of forests and scrub.


Vegetation cover; land use; Peixe-Boi watershed

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