Recovery of Cynodon nlemfuensis pasture after desiccation with glyphosate in pre-sowing of maize

Alexandre Magno Brighenti, Pedro Henrique Silva Vieira


The aim of this study was to assess the recovery capacity of the African-star-grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis) desiccated with glyphosate in pre-sowing of maize crop. The experimental design was a completely randomized block, with four repetitions. In experiment 1 were applied doses of the equivalent acid (e.a.) of glyphosate herbicide: 0; 720; 1.440; 2.160; 2.880 e 3.600 g ha-1. In experiment 2, was done the no till of the maize, after application of the same doses of glyphosate on African-star-grass and on a hoed control. African-star-grass usually is tolerant to normally recommended doses of the glyphosate herbicide (720 - 2,160 g ha-1). Doses ranging from 1.206 to 1.492 g ha-1 results on suppression of the African-star-grass, avoiding its competition with the maize crop and allowing the recovery of pasture.


Forage grasses; African-star-grass; crop-livestock integration; no-till

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