Genetic characters of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) aiming the improvement for whole plant silage

Mikael Neumann, Evandrei Santos Rossi, Helmut Hunger, Marcos Ventura Faria


Silage of quality is required by farmers for providing significant increases in productivity and maximizing the profitability of the productive system, being the sunflower crop (Helianthus annuus L.) an option for this purpose. The aim of this review was to discuss aspects about genetic characteristics linked to improvement of the sunflower for the production of whole plant silage. The genetic breeding of sunflower has got proportions after the discovery of cytoplasmic male sterility and of the restoration gene. The sunflower crop presents good forage potential and should be used in addition to corn silage. There are genetic resources for the breeding of the bromatological characteristics of the crop for forage production. As a rustic plant, the sunflower can be grown in regions or seasons which have risk of water shortages, generating income and enhancing the use of the land.


Bromatological characteristics; heritability; hybrids; lines; cytoplasmic male sterility

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