Use of non-orbital images on the planimetric assessment of large farms

Elvio Gilberto da Silva, Zacarias Xavier de Barros, Bruna Soares Xavier de Barros, Ronaldo Alberto Pollo


The use of vertical aerial photographs, which are among the products of Remote Sensing, became frequent in surveying, planning and soil exploration projects, mainly for assisting other cartographic databases. In this study, panchromatic aerial photographs in nominal scale 1:25000 (in 1962) and colored aerial photographs in nominal scale 1:30000 (2010) were used, aiming at showing the possibility of performing a more complete and reliable analyses of area values in Botucatu-SP through the Geographic Information System (GIS). The values were obtained directly from the photograph without corrections scale, using as reference maps from the São Paulo State Cartographic and Geographic Institute, resulting in an error coefficient that shows the differences of the areas through the two study methods proposed. Regarding the aerial photographs in 1962 and 2010, it can be stated that the images from 2010 showed less difference in area (43.48 ha) in relation to the area values determined in reference map, once the colorful images facilitated the interpretation of the landscape, making the border lines more accurate, and thus offering greater precision in their definitions.


Aerial Photographs; Geographic Information System; Measurement Area

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