Development of beggar-ticks (Bidens pilosa) in response to the application of low doses of glyphosate

Ricardo de Andrade Silva


With the objective of evaluating the effect of low doses of glyphosate in characteristics related to the development of Bidens pilosa, an experiment was set in the experimental area of the Bahia Southwest State University. The installation of the experiment occurred in August of 2012, the plants being cultivated in vases, organized in an entirely randomized design with four repetitions, composed by eight doses of glyphosate herbicide (0, 0.45, 0.90, 1.35, 1.80, 2.25, 2.70 and 3.15 g e.a. ha-1). In field, the height, diameter and SPAD index were evaluated and in the laboratory we assessed the leaf mass, total dry and fresh mass, of root, stalk and leaves of the plants. The obtained data were subjected to general variance analysis and to regression with orthogonal polynomials, aiming the definition of models in order to determine the response curves. The curves showed that for the variables related to mass accumulation there was a reduction as we raised the dose of herbicide, and for variables directly related to the plant etiolating and chlorophyll intensity, the response-dose effect shows to be effective to some low doses.


response-dose; hormesis effect; beggar-ticks; low doses

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