Characteristics of soil Salinity in agricultural crops in Brazil

Vlandiney Eschemback, Michael Rogers Bernert, Adriano Suchoronczek, Sidnei Osmar Jadoski, Adenilsom dos Santos Lima


The objective of this review is a literary focus information about associated features and occurrence, effects and management of salinity in soil and crops in extensive crops crops. The effects of soil salinity on plant development from changes in their physical and chemical properties. Salinisation is a limiting factor for the development and productivity of plants and has been affecting water resources of arid, semi-arid and Mediterranean area irrigated in tropical and subtropical climate zones, including Brazil. Salinity and sodicity of soil are among the main causes of degradation in semi-arid environment, would cause damage to the properties of the soil, plant development and society, culminating in serious environmental and social impact. One of the most important consequences of soil salinity on plants are the effect caused by the reduction of the osmotic potential; nutritional unbalance due to high Ionic concentration and inhibiting the absorption of others caused by sodium cations and the toxic effect of sodium and chloride ions. Research findings show that the salinity of the soil is a serious problem and that the search for solutions to the management of salinized soils and of preventive management alternatives for hazardous areas, should be more intense and accompanied by rapid dissemination of new research results.


saline concentration , soil chemistry , osmotic potential.


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