Characteristics of pH and electrical conductivity on the fertigation management

Michael Rogers Bernert, Vlandiney Eschemback, Sidnei Osmar Jadoski, Adenilsom dos Santos Lima, Cristiano André Pott


There is a direct relationship between the electrical conductivity of the soil and its water content, as the change in water content causes dilution of the soil solution. The efficiency of fertigation depends on a balanced ratio between water volume and the amount of nutrients in each phase of the cycle, a concentration which should be sufficient to provide absorption of nutrients by the plant without causing accumulation of fertilizers in the soil.   The objective of this study was to gather information and present a discussion of important aspects related to pH and electrical conductivity of soil and solutions applied by fertigation systems and their application in management fertigated production systems. It was found that the pH and electrical conductivity are factors that should be monitored in fertigated crops because they are directly related to the ability to absorb nutrients plant, affect the availability and restraining of salts, as well as being related to the conservation and proper functioning of the fertigation system. For some micronutrients applied as chelates fertigation, the pH is of fundamental importance for the stability of the complex. In literature base is widespread information in the irrigation water after the addition of the fertilizer solution, the electrical conductivity must not exceed 2.0 dS m-1. When properly handled the EC can be used to improve the quality of the final product.


soil water, ions, irrigation, agriculture

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