Soil physical properties and performance of the soybean crop to oats under different managements

Graziely Godoy, Deise Dalazen Castagnara, Paulo Sérgio Rabello de Oliveira, Leandro Rampim, Paulo Ricardo Lima


The aim of the study was to evaluate the physical properties of soil, yield components and soybean yield in succession to oat with and without grazing animal in the autumn winter period in western Paraná. The experimental design was randomized blocks in tracks scheme with split plots and three replications. The plots consisted of six types of soil uses cultivated with oat (Avena sativa): grazings with residual heights of 10 and 20 cm, cuts to haying with residual heights of 10 and 20 cm, direct seeding, conventional tillage and subplots the sowing of soybean (Vmax cultivars and CD 215). The soil management without grazing and cuts to seeding direct and no grazing or cuts for conventional tillage reflected in greater deposition of straw of oats, and higher macroporosity in 10-20 cm layer when performed in conventional tillage. The density of soil was lower in both layers, when the system without no grazing or cuts in conventional tillage was used. The exploration of livestock farming during the autumn winter period, maintaining a straw residue of at least 10 cm does not compromise the components of production or productivity soybeans in succession, maximizing the use of soil and enabling the use of the animal grazing.


Key words: Avena sativa, residual straw, soil density, organic matter.


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