Overview of agricultural production in the Center-South Region of Paraná

Rafael de Matos, Tayná Jornada Ben, Gracielle Pavan, Sidnei Osmar Jadoski


The Center-South Region of the State of Paraná has socio-economic characteristics that are highly related to agriculture, but with little emphasis on the production of olive groves. This work aimed to identify the major olive groves in the central-southern region of Paraná in relation to the state and country through a bibliographic review, using in part official data from SEAB and IBGE and collecting data from municipal agencies. In comparing the data at state and national level, potatoes, onions and tomatoes in the Guarapuava region are common, and little or no expression for cassava cultivation. It was concluded that this region presents great potential for this type of production due to the characteristics of the properties with expressive participation of family agriculture. However, for the production of olive groves to be significantly
increased in a viable way to the producer, changes and investments are necessary in aspects that involve both the promotion and technical assistance, as well as the producer organization. Aiming at better structuring the buying and selling process, as well as the classification, processing and packaging infrastructure of the products before being destined to the final consumer market.


Olericultura; Central-Southern region of Paraná; family agriculture.


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