Translocation of triazois and estrobilurin in the control powdery milldew in soybean

Felipe Hipólito dos Santos, Leandro Alvarenga Santos, Cacilda Márcia Duarte Rios Faria


Among the major diseases affecting crops highlights the powdery mildew, a disease previously considered secondary, but in recent years has caused significant damage to crops, among them soy. This study aimed to quantify the translocation group of fungicidal triazoles and strobilurine used in the control of powdery mildew in soybean using statistical analysis. They evaluated five fungicides as their translocation three fungicides from the group of triazoles: Tebuconazole, Cyproconazol, Flutriafol,Azoxystrobin and Pyraclostrobin. Therefore, there were experiments conducted in a greenhouse. Each treatment consisted of 5 repetitions. The design was a randomized block and the sample unit evaluated were the two plants that made up each plot. The presence of pathogen given signals and increasing notes according to the presence there of in the posterior and anterior leaf blade area of application was evaluated. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and significant variables were submitted to the average Tukey test at the 0.05 level. Both fungicides groups, triazoles and strobilurins showed high translocation in soybean plant, a fact verified by the low presence of pathogen signs the treaty leaflet.


Fungicides; Glycine max; Microsphaera diffusa.


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