Mixture of NPK 4-14-8 with MAP as an alternative for the planting fertilization of 'Atlantic' potato

Renato Yagi, Nilceu Ricetti Xavier Nazareno, Ana Kelly Chornobay, Jocemar Ferreira Campos, Alexandre Dzierwa


Two experiments were carried out to evaluate whether the mixture of MAP to NPK 4-14-8 to maintain the P dose and reduce N and K amounts at planting according to nutritional demands of 'Atlantic' potato could maintain or increase yields and the specific gravitys of commercial tubers. In both experiments, a randomized block design was used, with 6 treatments and five replications, being: 0) Control, without fertilization of planting; 1) Standard treatment with 3 Mg ha-1 of NPK 4-14-8 (120, 420, 240 kg ha-1 of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively); 2) 25% of the P2O5 dose as MAP; 3) 50% of the P2O5 dose as MAP; 4) 75% of the P2O5 dose as MAP and 5) 100% of the P2O5 dose as MAP. In soil with very high levels of P and K, the 'Atlantic' potato crop does not respond to traditional fertilization with NPK 4-14-8, NPK 4-14-8 mixtures with MAP and or to isolated MAP application. In soil with low P and K average values, the application of 420 kg ha-1 of P2O5, half as NPK 4-14-8 and half as MAP, halved the amounts of N and K in the planting and maintains the marketable yields and N, P and K exports of tubers relative to fertilization with 3 mg ha-1 of NPK 4-14-8.


Solanum tuberosum L., nutrient management, specific gravity, marketable tubers.


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