Potential of phosphite-based products in the control of Pythium sp. under in vitro conditions

Stheffani Lucca dos Santos, Thayllane de Campos, Nean Locatelli Dallacosta, Sérgio Miguel Mazaro


The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of products based on potassium, copper and manganese phosphites in the control of Ptyhium sp. under in vitro conditions. The experiment was conducted at the Phytosanitary Laboratory of the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Dois Vizinhos campus. The design was completely randomized with four replicates, with the experimental unit consisting of a Petri® plate. The phosphites were added at concentrations of 0.001; 0.002; 0.004; 0.006% to the BDA (Potato, Dextrose and Agar) medium, corrected the pH of the medium with NaOH to pH 6.0, and then poured into the Petri® plates where 5mm discs were inserted with fungal mycelium in the center of the board. The plates were conditioned incubator B.O.D at 25 °C with 12-hour photoperiod for a period of 12 days, when the mycelial growth was obtained until reaching the edges of the control plates. The observed results showed a significant fungistatic effect. Among the concentrations of the products and mycelial growth, with the increase of the concentrations a reduction of the mycelial growth of Pythium sp. At the concentration of 0.006%, a fungicidal action occurred, without the growth of the pathogen, demonstrating their efficacy in the in vitro control of Pythium sp.


oomycetes, mycelial growth, fungistatic action, fungicide.


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