Corporate social responsibility and workers: balancing practices analysis between work and family

Responsabilidade social corporativa e trabalhadores: análise de práticas de equilíbrio entre trabalho e família

Nágila Giovanna Silva Vilela, Ronaldo de Oliveira Santos Jhunior, Mariane Lemos Lourenço


The objective of this article is to analyze Corporate Social Responsibility practices that contribute to the balance between work and family from the perspective of working women in the industrial sector. Such practices in this paper include flexibility in working hours, part-time work, home office, extended licenses, and managerial and social support. Qualitative and descriptive research included field research and interviewed fifteen women workers from three major Brazilian industries and documentary research. Data analysis was done through content analysis. Based on the research findings, it was noticed that Corporate Social Responsibility practices directed at the family of workers are not enough for them to balance their lives between work and family, a result that deserves consideration by employees and employers.


Corporate Social Responsibility; Work and Family; Balancing Practices

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Direitos autorais 2020 Nágila Giovanna Silva Vilela, Ronaldo de Oliveira Santos Jhunior, Mariane Lemos Lourenço

Revista Capital Científico – Eletrônica (RCCe) Rua: Padre Salvador, 875 – Bairro Santa Cruz CEP: 85015-430  Guarapuava-Paraná-Brasil Campus Santa Cruz – Editora UNICENTRO ISSN  2177-4153 (Online)

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