Effect of restriction of solar radiation and increases of temperature on the growth of radish plants

Ires Cristina Oliari, Renan Caldas Umburanas, Vlandiney Eschemback, Jackson Kawakami


Solar radiation is the main source of energy for the photosynthesis, while the temperature influences the metabolism of plants by changing the speed of chemical reactions and enzyme activity. This study evaluated the influence of the reduction of solar radiation and the increase of temperatures in the growth of radish plants of two cultivars in Guarapuava (PR). It was evaluated: plant height, number of formed leaves, leaf area and total dry matter. In relation to the control plants, plants of the cultivar Cometa submitted to high temperature and restrict solar radiation showed higher number of leaves and taller plants at the beginning of the growth, and higher leaf area when submitted to higher temperature, while plants of the cultivar Gigante submitted to higher temperature formed higher total dry matter than the control plants at the end of the growth. It was concluded that at this study conditions, low solar radiation or high temperature leads to changes in radish plant morphology, depending on the cultivar.


Leaf area; photosynthesis; solar radiation; Raphanus sativus L

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5777/paet.v3i3.1135