Evaluation of the development of corn culture one year after the realization of different soil preparation

Saulo Fernando Gomes de Sousa, Tiago Pereira da Silva Correia, Leandro Augusto Felix Tavares, Neilor Bugoni Riquetti, Paulo Roberto Arbex Silva


The preparation of soil for the establishement of crops is designed to provide ideal conditions for sowing germination and plant development, with this study aimed at evaluating the height and diameter of stem, of the maize crop in systems of no tillage one year after the completion of different soil tillage systems.The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm Lageado UNESP – Botucatu. The area was cultivated for 13 years in no-tillage, in the crop year  of 2010/2011, we carried out the preparations, which were: no tillage, chisel plow and disc harrow to 20cm to 15cm. In the same year soybean was sown in the area, in the growing season the area remained fallow. The following year, ie 2011/2012 corn was sown, and the plots had four rows of maize spaced 0.85, with 20m long, the assessments, however, were held in the two central lines using 5m of the central part of the plot. The measurements were performed 50 days after sowing the maize. The results showed that both the height and diameter of plants were higher when compared to conventional tillage and minimum with the no tillage.


Soil management; growth; plant height


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5777/paet.v5i3.1601