Irrigation management in the culture of linseed

Doglas Bassegio, Reginaldo Ferreira Santos, Carlos Eduardo Camargo Nogueira, Alex Júnior Cattanêo, Cassiano Rossetto


The study aimed to evaluate the effect of irrigation, based on fractions of evaporation on the variables phenometric of two cultivars of linseed. The crops were grown in pots in a greenhouse during the months from April to July 2012 at the State University of West Paraná - UNIOESTE, Cascavel - PR, using a factorial design (2x5), completely randomized, being two cultivars (brown and golden ) and five treatments of evaporation corresponding to (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 Evm (blade evaporated), with four replications. The vegetal behavior was evaluated by phenometric variables: height plant, number of stems and capsules per plant, fresh and dry weight of capsules and fresh and dry weight of the plant. The results allowed the conclusion that the production components with quadratic polynomial responses were significant to the treatments, as well as the interaction between cultivars and irrigation levels. The Brown Linseed presented increase of the morphologic characteristics, while the golden cultivar presented greater number of capsules per plant.


Linum usitatissimum; evapotranspiration; water deficit

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