Quality of pre-emergence herbicide application with adjuvant in sugarcane crop

Marcelo Tufaile Cassia, Marcelo da Costa Ferreira, Rafael Henrique de Freitas Noronha, João Emmanuel Ribeiro Guimarães


Reduction of spraying rate can be an alternative to reduce costs in pesticide application. The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of fan and droplet size with different spraying rate and concentration of adjuvant on spraying liquid of herbicide to control Ipomoea spp. on sugarcane crop. The experiment was carried out at fully randomized plots, 3 x 4 + 1 factorial scheme. The factors were application volumes (80, 130 and 180 L.ha-1) pre-emergence application of herbicide sulfentrazone, and concentrations of adjuvant (0; 0.5; 1.5 and 4.5%). The variables were: Angle of the jet spray (degrees), flow of nozzles (L min-1), coefficient of variation of fan distribution (CV), volume median diameter (VMD), coefficient of uniformity for static nozzles (SPAN), drift (percentage of volume in droplets smaller than 200 microns) and control of Ipomoea spp. (%), analyzed with statistical process control tool (CEP). The reduction of spraying volume did not change the control of Ipomoea spp. and have resulted in standardization of the droplet size when the concentration of adjuvant in spraying liquid was bigger than 1.5%.


Spraying technology; Ipomoea spp.; droplet size; straw

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5777/paet.v6i1.2168