Nematicidal activity in vitro and in vivo of neem oil on Meloidogyne incognita

Daisy Parente Dourado, Fábia Silva de Oliveira Silva de Oliveira Lima, Cid Tacaoca Muraishi


Considering the losses caused by nematodes in the different crops, chemical substances with nematicidal effect have been investigated and found in various plants. The neem oil is presented as an alternative to manage this pathogen. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro, the action of different doses of neem oil on the hatching and immobility of Meloidogyne incognita juveniles and in vivo in order to verify the data about the efficacy of neem oil to control nematodes of galls in tomato plants. In vitro assays were installed in laboratory conditions and in a completely randomized design with four replications. The experiment consisted of the following treatments: 1. Distilled water (100%) 2. Furadan (5%) 3. Neem oil (1%) 4. Neem oil (5%) 5. Neem oil (10%). For the experiment done in greenhouse, the experimental design was completely randomized with five replicates. The experiment consisted of the following treatments: 1. Control 2. Neem oil in the soil, T3. Neem oil foliar; T4. Neem oil in the soil + leaf. The use of neem oil in vitro was effective only in the immobility of M. incognita at concentrations of 1%. The neem oil reduces the number of galls of M. incognitawhen applied via foliar + soil at concentrations of 1%.


Azadirachta indica A. Juss; immobility; nematode galls; hatching rate

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