Droplets deposition provided by hydraulic nozzles in function of wind seed during pesticides application

André Luis da Silva Quirino, Mauri Martins Teixeira


The aim of this study was to estimate the distance of droplets deposition as a function of wind seed using a computational program. It was used a representative sample of 10 spray nozzles ULD015F120, LD02F110 and VP11002 in the procedure of characterization of droplets spectrum in the working pressure of 3 bar being performed 3 replications. The values of D0.9, D0.1 and D0.5 of each nozzle were inserted into software to simulate the effect of wind speed of 2, 4 and 6 m s-1 in the drift distance on the droplet spectrum generated by nozzles. As result it was observed that the wind speed is an important factor to be considered in the spray nozzle choice. The nozzles ULD02F120 are capable to be used as a drift reducer. During the use of the nozzle VP11002 greater care must be taken due to the higher percentage of droplets with diameter inferior to 100 μm for the simulated conditions.


Wind drift; spray nozzles; pesticides; environment

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5935/PAeT.V6.N3.11