Development and productivity of american lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Influenced by aluminum free in the soil

Clovis Pierozan Junior, Paulo Sérgio Pavinato, Marcelo Bridi, Robson Kyoshi Ueno, Bruno Vinícius Banhuk


The present study, was performed in Guarapuava, Paraná, with the objective of evaluating the development and productivity of lettuce plants (Lactuca sativa L.) cultivar Americana in soil with different Al3+ saturation, grown in greenhouse. The height of plants, main root length, circumference head, fresh matter of leaves and roots, dry matter of leaves and roots were evaluated, during the cycle of crop and at the harvest. In the harvest also was analyzed the number of leaves per plant. The used experiment design was completely randomized with four repetitions. The saturations of Al3+ used were 0, 20, 40 and 60%. The root system of the lettuce Americana is very susceptible to the toxic effects of aluminum, tolerating on maximum 6.0% of saturation so it does not present damage length loss and/or mass accumulation. The production of the aerial part of the Americana lettuce showed negative linear answer to the increase of saturation for Al+3, not being tolerant to the presence of the free form of this element in the soil.


Dry mass; fresh mass; saturation for Al3+

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