Production and yield components of castor bean BRS energia in function of different levels of irrigation and nitrogen organic fertilization

Francisco Jardel Rodrigues da Paixão, Napoleão Esberard de Macedo Beltrão, Carlos Alberto Vieira de Azevedo, João Vianey Fernandes Pimentel, José Agrimar Carlos Gomes


Aiming to obtain knowledge about the effects of castor bean as a supplier of organic matter of different levels of nitrogen and at different irrigation levels in the crop of early castor bean, cultivar BRS Energia, it was conducted an experiment in randomized blocks with plots subdivided into strips, being the factors: 4 levels of nitrogen via castor bean (TM) (TM1 = 0, = 90 TM2, TM3 and TM4 = 180 = 270 kg N ha-1) and 4 irrigation levels based on the concept of available soil water (available water - AD) (AD1 = 20, AD2 =40, AD3 = 60 AD4 = 80%), with four replications. The yield components of castor beans, BRS Energia increased with increasing levels of available soil water and organic fertilizer via castor bean, however, the positive effect of organic fertilization occurred only until the level of fertilization of 180 kg N ha-1, even when associated with the level of soil water availability of 80%. The level of organic fertilization of 180 kg ha-1, associated with 80% of available soil water promoted an increase of 58.84% in the yield of castor bean, compared to treatment with this same level of water availability in the soil, but without fertilization.


Fertilization; irrigation management culture; castor bean crop

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