Identification and classification of the annual crop stages in the Parana state through the use of MODIS/NDVI temporal profiles

Rafael Aldighieri Moraes


The aim of this study was to identify and classify the stages cultivation of annual crops in the Parana state for the crop season 2009/2010, from the Modis NDVI temporal profiles analysis. It was considered a period of 11 months, beginning in August 2009 until June 2010, totaling 20 images of NDVI, VI Quality and Reliability, of the product MOD13Q1 (250 m). This period was selected in order to cover the entire cycle of summer crops, from the development, peak growth cycle and harvest. The methodology applied in this paper aims to identify and classify areas where the NDVI temporal profile behavior was similar to summer crops cultivation. Moreover, the transformations of these profiles in slope profiles allowed, through the characteristic slope curves, the determination of dates on each phase, being in the ascendant classified as growth, in the top as peak growth cycle and in the downward of the curve as harvest. The results were disposed in the map format and compared with municipal official data. The estimated harvested area presented accuracy (R²) of 0.7701 and exactness coefficients (d) of 0.9201. The errors of area estimation occurred with maximum overestimation of 10.000 hectares (ha) and underestimation of 37.581 ha, with the exception of the Castro municipality, with 73.306 ha. The disposition of dates of the cultivation stages presented consistency with the official data, besides the spatial vision of the cultivation of annual crops in the Parana.


Temporal profile; Modis; mask

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