Path analysis in characteristics of sweet potato clones aiming ethanol yield

Thiago Magalhães de Lazari, Márcio Antônio da Silveira, Daisy Parente Dourado, Flávia Fernandes Ribeiro de Miranda, Cid Tacaoca Muraishi


Developing new products is an indispensable practice for companies, which makes it essential studies that seek to find new ways of using raw materials in the biofuels market. The sweet potato is a vegetable of great energetic potential, and can be used directly for producing ethanol. With the objective of estimating the genotypic, phenotypic and environmental correlations and direct and indirect effects of path coefficients on ethanol yield, we conducted an experiment in field conditions at the Experimental Station of the Federal University of Tocantins, in Palmas. The experimental design utilized was entirely randomized, represented by 100 treatments (sweet potato clones) in three repetitions. The studied characteristics were the dry matter, productivity, starch content and ethanol production. The genotypic correlations presented equal sign and, in most cases, superior values to its correspondent phenotypic correlations, indicating that the phenotypic expression is decreased under the environment influences. The selection of plants with high dry matter content would enable the indirect improvement for materials with high ethanol production.


Ipomoea batatas; bioenergy; genetic correlation; ethanol production

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