Quantitative losses on the mechanized harvesting of soy in the region of Cáceres, Mato Grosso

Taniele Carvalho Oliveira, Zulema Netto Figueiredo, Leonarda Grillo Neves, Henrique Guimarães Favare


The mechanized harvesting is the final step of the production process and the losses must be maintained within acceptable patterns. This study aimed to characterize the quantitative losses during the mechanized harvesting of soy in a property of grain production, in function of dislocation speed and trail system of two harvesters. The harvesting was performed using experimental design of randomized blocks, in factorial scheme of 2x2, the treatments being composed by two harvesters (different brands and trail systems), operating in two dislocation speed levels, 5.5 km h-¹ e 7.0 km h-¹, with four repetitions. We analyzed the natural losses, losses caused by the harvester (cut platform, separation system and cleaning) and total losses. The harvesters presented low loss rates, below the recommended (60 kg ha-1), and the dislocation speed between them did not affect the losses caused by the harvester. The total losses in the harvesting were low, indicating that the regulation, the staff training and conservation condition of the harvester are important factors for minimizing losses.


Trail mechanisms; grain production; Glycine max

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5935/PAeT.V7.N2.11