Recovery of degraded areas and its methodological aspects

Charlys Roweder, Alejandro Fonseca Duarte


Since the 70s, the recovery of degraded areas came to be seen as a guarantee instrument of continuity and perpetuation of mankind, thus, isolated projects started to be employed throughout the world, in order to grant the return of initial characteristics of the environment. Since then, new concepts and techniques were incorporated to processes of environmental recovery. The recovery of degraded areas is directly linked to the science of ecological restoration, which is the process of aid to the re-establishment of an ecosystem that was degraded, damaged or destroyed. Thereby, restoration and recovery present different concepts, where: Recovery: restitution of an ecosystem or of a wild population degraded to a condition of non degradation, which can be different from its original condition; Restoration: restitution of an ecosystem or of a wild population degraded as close as possible to its original condition. The process of adoption of new knowledge and technologies in the recovery processes of degraded areas requires changes on society behavior, advances in management, new knowledge and consequent modifications in the production systems. The behavior change is associated with the culture, education and available knowledge.


ecology, restoration; direct sowing.

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