Physicochermical analyzes of garlic subjected to ultraviolet light (UV-C) and to modified atmosphere

Douglas Junior Bertoncelli, Kelly Pazolini, Rafaele Cristina Negri, Sérgio Miguel Mazaro, Américo Wagner Junior


Improper storage is the main cause of low quality of national garlic. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of modified atmosphere with different thickness of polyethylene packing and exposure of bulbs to ultraviolet light (UV-C) in the physicochemical properties of garlic. The treatments were arranged in a factorial scheme, 5x2, comprising five thicknesses of polyethylene film (control, 5 , 10 , 15 and 20 microns) and exposure to ultraviolet light (with exposure and no exposure). The experimental design was completely randomized, with four replications consisting of 15 bulbs. The parameters evaluated were: lost fresh mass lost, dormancy visual Index (DVI), total phenols, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity, soluble acids content (SAC), total titratable acidity and diseases caused by pathogens. The use of modified atmosphere and UV-C had a positive effect on the reduction of lost fresh mass and on the DVI, with more significant reduction on DVI at thickness of 15 micron polyethylene film and exposed to UV-C. The use of modified atmosphere and UV-C acted in the PAL activity, phenolic compounds, SACTSS and titratable acidity. The treatments had no effect on incidence of decay.


post-harvest; storage; Allium sativum

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