Salycilic acid application in postharvest cabbage leaves butter

Fabiana Chiamulera Borsatti, Sérgio Miguel Mazaro, Claudiane de Abreu Dias, Rita de Cássia Dosciatti Serrão da Rocha, Douglas Junior Bertoncelli


Considering the scarcity of studies related to the postharvest of kales and the inexistence of evaluation with resistance inducers in the species, we aimed to assess the effect of salicylic acid on the postharvest of collard greens over the physiochemical and biochemical variables. The experiment was conducted at the Federal Technological University of Paraná – Dois Vizinhos Campus. We used five treatments with entirely randomized design. The treatments consisted of using solutions with four concentrations of salicylic acid (0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0 mM) and the control (distilled water), with four replicates of eight leaves. After the harvest, selection and standardization of the samples, the bases of the collard greens leaves were immersed in solutions with different treatments, during 10 minutes. The leaves were maintained in a B.O.D. incubator., during 192 hours, at the temperature of 8°C. The variables used for assessing the experiment were the mass loss of fresh matter, rottenness, level of vitamin C, chlorophyll, total phenols, total proteins and activity of the enzymes peroxidase and phenylalanine ammonia lyase (FAL). The application of AS maintained the contents of protein and total phenols at higher levels, as well as interfered on the activities of the peroxidase and FAL. The treatments did not present effect over the mass loss of fresh matter, and the content of vitamin C, chlorophyll and rottenness.


Brassica oleracea; greenery; senescence.

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