Biochemical aspects of early development of Physalis under different light conditions

Douglas Junior Bertoncelli, Douglas Alvarez Alamino, Marisa de Cacia Oliveira, Eli Danieli Marchesan, Edenes Maria Schroll Loss


P. pubescens L. also known as ground cherry, is a sub shrub that can reach 1.5 m in height. Due to the lack of knowledge regarding Physalis, the present study aimed to investigate the influence of light quality on some compounds of primary and secondary metabolism of P. pubescens during initial development of plants. The tests were conducted in the greenhouse and in the Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. The plants were subjected to four different lighting conditions: environment (17.00 klux), blue (9.00 klux), red (11.00 klux) and without light (0.02 klux). Chlorophylls, total soluble sugars, reducing sugars, total protein, total phenols, and PAL activity were determined. Natural light (17.00 klux) showed the highest amounts of chlorophyll a, b and total as well as the highest levels of total and reducing sugars, and protein concentration. In the dark (0.02 klux), the highest total phenolic content and higher activity of PAL were achieved. We concluded that the responses to the different light conditions to which the plants are subjected are highly variable and depend on the interaction of other factors and plant species.


irradiation, PAL, phenols, Solanaceae, sugars.


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