Carbohydrate content in vine cuttings of rootstock cv. IAC 572

Essione Ribeiro Souza, Fábio Laner Lenk, Elizabeth Orika Ono, João Domingos Rodrigues


This study aimed to study the variation in concentrations of carbohydrates before and after the formation of roots in cuttings and budding of grapevine rootstock ‘ IAC 572’ grown on different substrates (compost and commercial substrate Carolina ) or treated not indole butyiric acid (2000 mg L-1). The treatments were: T1 Carolina® commercial substrate (SCC); T2- organic compound (CO); T3 SCC + CO; T4 + IBA SCC 2000 mg L- 1; CO + IBA T5- to 2000 mg L-1 and T6- SCC + IBA + CO to 2000 mg L-1. We used an experimental design in a completely randomized design with 6 treatments x 4 replicates and each plot represented by 16 stakes. Upon production of cuttings samples of plant material were reserved for analysis of total and reducing sugars. Then the cuttings were standardized at 10 cm in length with two yolks and three inches from the base of the cuttings were immersed in a solution of IBA 2000 mg L- 1 for 15 seconds, the stakes of treatments 4, 5 and 6. They were later kept in a mist chamber for 54 days. After this period we evaluated the percentage of rooting (ER) and sprouting, number of leaves (NL), plant height (AP in cm), number of roots (NR), dry matter weight of root ( MMSR in g ), shoot ( shoot DMM g ) and stem ( MSC), the average length of the longest root ( CMR, in cm ) and the levels of total and reducing sugars in the root, stem and budding. The organic substrate associated with the treatment of cuttings with IBA promoted a significant increase in reserve substances from plants.


Substance reservation, substrates, indole butyric acid


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