Comparison between evaluation "In loco" and analysis of orbital images to determine the rural properties area for environmental monitoring purpose

Luiz Carlos Zerbielli, Luciano Farinha Watzlawick, Filemon Manoel Mokochinski, Joelmir Augustinho Mazon


The work was carried out to make a comparison between the positional differences obtained by the survey "in loco", using Systems of Geographical Positioning and analysis of satellite images, using as a tool Google Earth® program. The surveys were conducted in the cities of Maringa, Presidente Castelo Branco and Santa Inês, state of Paraná. Were obtained Positional information of different features of the properties, using the two forms of planimetric survey. The results allowed to infer that the different methods of analysis used, showed positive results for the planimetric survey, and the analysis of satellite images a tool indicated in preview geographic features for make rural cadastre projects.


Positional differences, satellite images, Google Earth®.


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