Use of agrochemicals in the production of vegetables in Farias Brito-CE

Lucimeire Batista Lima, Clayton Moura Carvalho, Hernandes Oliveira Feitosa, Pedro Glauco Bitu


Proposing know the quality of the produced horticultural products, this study aimed to identify the main pesticides used in vegetable crops, as well as toxicological risks and the degree of environmental hazard, how to dispose of pesticide containers and use practices of PPE at the time of application of pesticides in Farias Brito - CE. The work was done in order to exploratory research field, with visits to sites where vegetables are produced such as: lettuce, cilantro, scallions, cassava, pumpkin, peppers, tomatoes and others. The result of this study was found using the following pesticides, glyphosate, gramoxone 200, Actara 250 WG, abamectin, chlophenapyr (pirate), tebuconazole and dhitane. Each of these products belongs to a toxicological class ranging from moderately toxic to extremely toxic, and a potential environmental hazard ranging from dangerous to very dangerous. It was also found that, in the form of disposal of packaging a little more than half of horticulturists store packaging to return when you are raising campaign. It was also evaluated that over 70% of respondents do not use the Personal Protective Equipment - PPE, thereby causing several damages the health of horticulturists. We conclude that it is justifiable concern regarding public health will both population of arable land in the municipality of Farias Brito - CE.



Key word: Horticulture, public health and pesticides.


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