Weed interference on radish crop

Valdere Martins dos Santos, Luziano Lopes da Silva, Patriccia da Cruz Ramos, Dione Pereira Cardoso, Daniele de Cássia Vieira de Sousa


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different periods of weed coexistence with radish culture. The experiment was carried out in Gurupi-TO, in a randomized block design with four replications. The treatments consisted of 6 increasing periods of coexistence with weeds, considered from the rough, valued at five seasons assessments (5, 10, 15, 21, and 30 DAE). Dry stem masses were evaluated, leaf and total shoot, leaf area, root diameter and fresh root biomass. The data were submitted to analysis of variance to compare means by the Scott and Knott test. It was observed that longer periods of coexistence with weeds caused a reduction of 72.1% in the production of fresh weight root culture. Living with weeds up to 15 days after emergence did not significantly alter the radish root diameter in this study.



Cultivar Vip Crimson, leaf area; Phytomass; Raphanus sativus; root diameter.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5935/PAeT.V9.N1.02