Evaluation of different management systens in the development of the culture of suflower

Jairo Costa Fernandes, Carlos Antonio Gamero, José Guilherme Lança Rodrigues, Flávia Meinicke Nascimento


The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of management systems and identify the speed of seeding operation that allows better development of the sunflower. The experiment was installed in Fazenda Experimental Lageado, belonging to Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas of UNESP, Botucatu campus. The experimental design was randomized blocks, following the diagram in subdivided parcels, with four replicates. The treatments performed on the parcels were: the soil management systems (no-tillage system with scarifier shank type engine-NTs; no-tillage system with double-disk type scarifier mechanism NTd; miniumum tillage-MT and conventional tillage-CT). In the subplots, the speeds used for seeding were 3; 5; 6 and 8 km h-1. The variables analyzed were: initial and final population of plants, plant height, stem diameter, and productivity of achenes. The NTs treatment is the management system recommended for deployment of culture and the development of commercial hybrid sunflower Hélio 358. The increased speed in the seeding operation compromises the population of plants and, consequently, the development of culture.



Key words: speed of seeding, scarifiers mechanisms, oleaginous


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5935/PAeT.V9.N1.08