Effects to the combination of Azospirillum brasilense with fungicides in wheat development

Gabriel Felipe Vogel, Lais Martinkoski, Sidnei Osmar Jadoski, Rubens Fey


The use of biological inputs the base diazotrophs has emerged as an alternative in reducing the need for application of nitrogenous fertilizers. However, the chemical seed treatment might come to promote detrimental effects on soil microflora. This study aims to assess the effects of Captana fungicides and Carboxin + Tiram associated with Azospirillum brasilense on wheat. The study was conducted in laboratory and greenhouse at the Federal University of Fronteira Sul, Laranjeiras do Sul, PR. The design adopted was completely randomized with eight treatments and four repetitions: witness; A. brasilense; Captana; Carboxin + Tiram; Captana + Carboxin + Tiram; A. brasilense + Captana; A. brasilense + Carboxin + Tiram; A. brasilense + Captana + Carboxin + Tiram. In laboratory tests were evaluated related to germination and seedling development. In a protected environment were analyzed shoot characteristics and root system up to 60 DAE. It appears that the isolated use of A. brasilense, generally showed higher performance compared to standard witness, whereas the association with Captana and Carboxin + Tiram promoted similar results to treatment with the absence of the bacterium and the default witness, inferring a possible toxic effect arising from the practice of chemical seed treatment with these products on the performance of the bacterium. Thus, the use of Captana and Carboxin + Thiram interferes with the interaction root bacteria, affecting the germination process and the initial development of the wheat.



Key words: biological fixation; compatibility; toxicity


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5935/PAeT.V8.N3.08