Disposal of solid waste from livestok activities and risks of environmental pollution in the community of the city of Cascavel – Paraná

Rony Elson Gomes Nogueira, Silvana Damin, Marcio Furlan Maggi, Adenilsom dos Santos Lima, Sidnei Osmar Jadoski


Solid waste source from the health services are of great concern, as the risk of environmental contamination, human and animal health. In this context, in 2010 it was approved the Law Nº. 12.305 establishing the National Policy on Solid Waste (PNRS) aimed at the proper disposal of waste. The generation of solid waste on farms is one of the major problems faced by ranchers, in which the veterinary waste is part of everyday life. The cattle is one of the major consumers of veterinary products, accounting for great generation of waste. The objective of this study was research among the ranchers of Cologne Rio da Paz - Cascavel - PR, in order to gather information on the fate of Solid Waste of Health Services of veterinary origin generated by the properties. Was conducted a collection of information through a survey, which was answered by ranchers of the dairy sector, to identify what has been done about these tailings and check the opinion of the producers on the subject. The data were tabulated, converted into percentage (%) represented in graphics. The proportion residue is varied, as the number of animals per property. Since about 80% of the surveyed believe that the reverse logistics would be the best option for the referred question. With everything, it can be concluded that the need for reverse logistics process for this type of waste is also necessary to minimize possible risks to people in rural areas and flock.



Key words: Solid Waste Veterinary Health Service, Milk Cattle, Reverse logistic.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5935/PAeT.V8.N3.11