Response to sequential herbicides application in delayed post-emergence in onion crop transplanted in distinct plants densities

João Igor de Souza, Cleber Daniel de Goes Maciel, Sidnei Osmar Jadoski, André Augusto Pazinato da Silva, João Paulo Matias


The research was conducted with the objective of evaluating the efficiency and selectivity of transplanted onion crop submitted to sequential delayed herbicides application in post-emergency condition, as well as to identifying the damage level reached for adopting practical inadequate and/or insufficient for weeds management. The experiment was carried out in field conditions at Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste - UNICENTRO, Guarapuava County, Paraná State, by using a randomized complete blocks arranged in factorial scheme 6 x 3, with five repetitions. In 2012 agricultural year, the first factor was represented by unique applications conducted at 30/35 days after seedlings transplant (DAST) of the following herbicides: ioxynil-octanoato/fenoxaprop-p-ethyl (250/110 g ha-1; flumioxazin/fenoxaprop-p-ethyl (140/110 g ha-1; oxadiazon/fenoxaprop-p-ethyl (1000/110 g ha-1; bentazon/fenoxaprop-p-ethyl (780/110 g ha-1) and two checks maintained with and without weeds, and as the factor three densities of plants onion plants (0,6, 0,8 and 1,0 million of plants ha-1). Control characterized by an unique delayed application of narrow and broad leaves herbicides at 30/35 DAST was inefficient for adequate weeds management, independently of onion crop density (2012 agricultural year), as well as insufficient for guaranteeing adequate production of commercial and/or total onion bulbs, in 2012 agricultural year.


Allium cepa L.; chemical control; plant arrangement, bulb yield.


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