Feasibility of machinery transfer for growing grain in distant areas

Francisco Faggion, Paulo Andrade Rezende Neto, Tiago Pereira da Silva Correia, Samuel Martin


The planning of agricultural operations, sizing and knowledge of machine costs are fundamental steps for productive and economic success in grain production, especially when the areas are distant and there is a need for leasing. The objective of this work is to verify the economic viability of grain cultivation with and without the transfer of machines between production areas and the lease of property. A case study was carried out on a set of three separate farms and the lease of a fourth one. Data were collected on the existing machinery and the need for machines to carry out the activities. The data were tabulated in four scenarios, it was used a Gantt graphic and SWOT analysis for decision making. With the movement, the fleet is better used, the total operational cost and the investments in acquisition are smaller, as well as the sale of surplus machinery generates an extra revenue for restructuration the fleet. There is a higher wage cost without moving the fleet, while with the move there is an additional cost in diesel oil and the acquisition of a truck board for transportation between farms. The total cost with or without the expansion of the area is smaller with the transfer of machines between the properties.


Management, Set, Costs, Logistics


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5935/PAeT.V9.N3.11