Components of production and yield of soybean with mineral, organic and organic-mineral fertilizers.

Alfredo Alves Neto, Amauri Orlando Júnior, Leandro Rampim, Jéssica Caroline Coppo, Edleuza Pereira Seidel


Soybean is a crop of great expression in agribusiness. Has been promoting the development of various regions of Brazil, enabling the growth of the animal protein sector in the regions where it operates, such as the production of chicken. However, there is the waste management challenge of this production chain, seeking sustainability. One alternative is the use of waste, such as chicken manure as organic fertilizer. The objective of this study was to evaluate the yield of soybean sources of mineral fertilizer, organic and organic-mineral fertilizers. The study was conducted in the area under no-tillage system and crop rotation, in the Midwest of Paraná State, Brazil. Was used a randomized block design with four treatments and five repetitions. Treatments and doses used were: control; organic mineral fertilizer, NPK fertilizer 02-20-10 + 25% chicken manure dose of 600 kg ha-1 atsowing; organic fertilizer chicken manure dose of 2000 kg ha-1atsowing; NPK 02-20-10 fertilizer at a dose of 800 kg ha-1. Evaluations were made on the plant height at flowering and grain filling, first pod height, yield, thousand grain weight, number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pod. The results show that organic and organic fertilizer promoted greater plant growth, and this fertilizer promoted greater number of pods per plant and number of pods with two and three seeds and the use of this fertilizer, yet both fertilizers did not promote increase in soybean yield.


Chiken manure, Glycine max L., Sustainability.


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