Development of plants by interference auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins and ethylene

Giliardi Marinho Almeida, José Guilherme Lança Rodrigues


Can interfere at the plant growth external factors and internal factors, such as hormones and vitamins, such natural or synthetic substances can be applied directly to the plants, parts like leaves, fruits and seeds, causing changes in vital structural and processes in order to increasing production, improving quality and to facilitate harvesting. The objective of this study is to analyze the plant growth and development in the species treated with auxin, cytokinins, ethylene and gibberellins. In conducting this study, we used literature reviews of old and new publications to date, the mixture was exposed to similar ideas and arguments between several authors from different eras. It can be seen that review the auxins have leaf epinasty function and stem, leaf yellowing on bean plant and the corn plants were observed that after spraying with auxins has not shown any senescêscia symptom. In the soybean plants showed higher chlorophyll content due to the fact cytokinins and gibberellins inhibit the degradation of chlorophyll. Regulators applied together in different concentrations can be observed different results, as can be seen in this literature review.


Plant hormones, growth, responses, plant.



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