Analysis of the development of Cercospora beticola forward to a systemic fungicidal

Elaine Pittner, Rafael Piva, Jony Cley dos Santos, Leandro Alvarenga dos Santos, Cacilda Marcia Duarte Rios Faria


Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora beticola) is present in almost all places where it is cultivated beet (Beta vulgaris), which can cause yield loss up to 40% sugar, it is the most destructive disease of beet as much sugar as the table. The objective of the study was to evaluate the growth of colonies of Cercopora beticola in vitro against systemic fungicide tebuconazole (200 g i.a). In the analysis performed in three different isolates of the fungus C. beticola shown that when tested for systemic fungicide tebuconazole (200 g i.a), these have not proved resistant to fungicide, for all repetitions in which the fungicide dose was tested in concentration field (1L/500L - 200 g i.a) proved to be efficient, since the colonies of the fungus C. beticola not developed.


resistance, fungicide, beets, stain-of-cercopora, Cercospora beticola L.


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