Water use efficiency: a contribution to sustainable development of agriculture

Francisco Faggion, C. A. S. Oliveira, Demétrios Christofidis


In most of the irrigated agricultural areas the volume of water used is higher than actually necessary for the satisfactory production of food. The efficiency in water use can help in solving the problems of scarcity, reduce conflicts between users and increase, stabilize and ensure the production. This paper shows possible alternatives for the water use efficiency in agriculture, based on guidelines developed in Europe and the United States, seeking to establish criteria for appropriate use for Brazilian conditions. After a participatory process of consultation, both in Europe as the U.S. guidelines have been published with orientations for the use of irrigation methods with less waste. The guidelines indicate managements and technological solutions, such as: use of measurement systems, information and control, planning of irrigation, improved irrigation techniques, adequate management of irrigation according to the climate, soil management and the cultivated species, and use of plant coverage. There are technological and managements solutions that can contribute to the efficient use and optimization of water use in irrigated agriculture in Brazil. To implement these solutions it is needed to evaluate the potential for improvement and set targets for the coming years.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5777/paet.v2i1.446