Production of maize for silage under increasing levels of nitrogen fertilization in cover

Mikael Neumann, André Dochwat, Egon Henrique Horst, Gabriela Letícia Delai Vigne, Marcelo Cruz Mendes


The objective of this work was to evaluate the productivity, morphological and bromatological composition of maize (Zea mays L.) for silage managed under increasing levels of nitrogen fertilization in the cover. The treatments consisted of four levels of cover fertilization: T1 - (112.5 kg ha - 1 of N); T2 - (225.0 kg ha-1 of N); T3 - (337.5 kg ha-1 of N); And T4 - (450.0 kg ha-1 of N). It was verified that the level of fertilization did not affect (P> 0.05) the parameters related to plant height, spike insertion height, fresh and dry biomass production, and grain yield, with mean values of 2, 18 m and 1.16 m, 46,361 kg ha-1, 19,516 kg ha-1 and 9,148 kg ha-1, respectively. In the bromatological composition of the plant, the crude protein had a significant difference (P <0.05), presenting superiority in this variable for T3 and T4, with values of 7.21% and 7.49%, respectively. The potential of milk production was another variable that differed statistically, but the levels of nitrogen fertilization that came to stand out were T2 and T4 (48.757 and 51.701 kg of milk ha-1, respectively). Levels above 225 kg of N ha-1 were able to positively affect the crude protein content of silage, but levels above 225 kg of N ha-1 negatively affected digestible NDF levels as well as corn plant digestibility.


Bromatology, physical composition, fertilization, NDT, dry biomass production.


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