Onion growing seasons in the south central part of the state of Tocantins

João Victor Gonçalves Carline, Aline Torquato Tavares, Joelson André Freitas, Kellen Kiara Barros Milhomens, Ildon Rodrigues Nascimento


The onion cultivation in Brazil concentrates in the central-southern region. However, with the development of adapted cultivars, new areas can be the current planting areas. This study was carried out in order to evaluate three growing seasons of onion cultivars in the central-southern region of the state of Tocantins. Three cultivars were evaluated in three different seasons, being May 26, June 26 and July 26. The seedlings were obtained in tray of 200 cells and 35 days after germination they were transplanted at the 0,15m x 0,10m spacing. In each growing season the experimental design used was randomized blocks, with four repetitions. The characteristics evaluated were productivity (t ha-1), average bulb weight (grams), pungency and cycle (days). The cultivar Nun 1205 presented the higher productivity (49,02 t ha-1) and average bulb weight (163,41 grams), being the second growing season better than others in relation to productivity (56,50 t ha-1) and average bulb weight (183,33 grams). Regarding to the content of pyruvic acid the cultivar Cimarron differed from the other cultivars and all cultivars were classified with medium and high pungency. All cultivars tested showed early cycles.


Allium cepa L, adaptation, genotypes, productivity.


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