Determination of the point of harvest and maturation genotype modified atmosphere abiu

Alex Guimarães Sanches, Maryelle Barros da Silva, Elaine Gleice Silva Moreira, Carlos Alberto Martins Cordeiro


The potential for conservation and the quality of the fruits are determined mainly by the maturity stage in which they are harvested before that this study set out to determine the point of harvest and the ripening process of a genotype abiu under modified atmosphere. The fruits were harvested in three maturity stages: 1 (green), 2 (50% green and 50% yellow) and 3 (yellow). These were stored in a cold chamber at 10 ° C for 12 days. The physicochemical and sensory analysis occurred every three days under the following parameters: respiratory rate, ethylene production, skin color, firmness, soluble solids, titratable acidity, ascorbic acid content and flavor. There was a significant interaction between the binomial maturity stage and storage time for all variables. The stage 3 maturity had compromised their quality in relation to others with increasing storage time. Whereas fruit harvested greenest took longer to mature, harvest in stages 1 and 2 can be interesting from the marketing point of view.


Pouteria caimito (Ruiz e Pav.) Radlk, skin color, tropical fruit.


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