Lost in harvester soybean by two depreciated combines

Francisco Faggion, Diego Figueiredo Melara, Tiago Pereira da Silva Correia, Everaldo Anastácio Pereira


The soybean (Glycine max) harvesting process at Brazilian Midwest normally is done by machines with advanced technology able to work with loses under the tolerated limit. Whatever still has older combines worn out working which can cause significative grains losses. The aim of this research was to study the quantitative soybeans grain losses done by depreciated combines in a commercial farm. It was used two tangential flow combines with auger header type, one with 22 and other with 10 years of use. The loss was evaluated at three harvesting positions: pre-harvesting, header, and total. Using the obtained data, it was calculated the loss at the internal mechanisms of the machine (threshing, separation and cleaning). The results show that the total loss due to the machines was 3,19 bags (60kg) by hectare, which is superior to the tolerance limit. There are no significative differences in total loss between the combine with 22 and 10 years of use. The header lost 54,55% and the internal mechanisms 45,45% of the total lost relative to the machines. The loss superior to the tolerance indicating that the machines are outdated, worn out, and need to be substituted


Mechanization, Glycine max, agricultural machines.


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