Climate effect on the growth of Araucaria angustifolia in silvopastoral system and forest in the secondary stage

Laís Martinkoski, Sidnei Osmar Jadoski, Luciano Farinha Watzlawick, Gabriel Felipe Vogel, Edinéia Ferreira da Silva


Improved knowledge of climate interactions and effects on the development of plant species is essential in order to define management strategies aimed at increasing production. This study aimed to compare one silvopastoral system with native species and a forest in the secondary stage of succession, through the analysis of the influence that climate variables temperature and rainfall have on the chronologies of growth of Araucaria angustifolia. Nondestructive samples were collected from 60 subjects per site and made correlations between chronologies and annual climatic variables and monthly averages. Rainfall was significantly correlated in october in both locations, while the average temperature in october and january showed a significant negative correlation in the area regeneration. The species showed a similar pattern of growth during this period, being common the influence of precipitation in october, when there is renewed growth. The non-similarity of chronologies seems to be related to the effect of temperature between different locations, since the secondary forests have demonstrated negative influence on growth during the rainy months of the year historically.


Growth rings; climate; pinheiro-do-paraná.


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