Remote Monitoring of Plants Submitted to the Drought Condition

Renato Herrig Furlanetto, Camila Rocco da Silva


The drought is a complex natural phenomenon difficult to detect, cause serious economic, environmental and social consequences. Due to the development slow, without beginning and end known, cause changes in the behavior in level morphological, physiological and phonological to able to survive such a condition. These changes can be detected by techniques of remote sensing. The detection and quantification is based on difference in reflectance of the electromagnetic energy of the light that focuses under the plants. The differences in reflectance can be obtained by sensors, such as earth observation satellites, extracted through the relation of different wavelengths, vegetation index that shows the occurrence of the drought phenomenon and it can be incorporated phonological and climatological data, improving the results obtained. The objective of this review is to present the characteristics of plants when submitted to drought conditions, in addition methods to available for remote monitoring of this phenomenon, through the use of remote sensing.


Hydric stress; drought in agriculture; remote sensing; vegetation index.


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