Hormonal inductors in the radicular development and profiling of sugar cane

Renan Borro Celestrino, Juliano Antoniol de Almeida, Luciano Antoniol de Almeida, Vagner Amado Belo de Oliveira, Silvia Cristina Vieira


Hormone inducers, biostimulants or growth regulators are exogenously applied substances with a very low molecular weight in the order of 10-4M in order to stimulate the hormonal mechanism of the plant. Its use in the root development and tillering of sugarcane has been an agricultural practice. The objective of this work was to evaluate the emergence of seedlings, root development and tillering of the plant to the association of growth regulators, applied in the planting groove. The experiment was carried out at the UNIFAI experimental station in the city of Adamantina-SP. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a factorial with subdivided plots, with four treatments and five replications, with seedlings of the variety CTC15. The treatments used were: T1- Witness; T2- Inductor A: 0,5 L ha-1; T3- Inductor A: 0,5 L ha-1 + Inducer B: 2 kg ha-1; T4- Inductor A: 0,5 L ha-1 + Inductor C: 3 L ha-1. Measurements were made of the profiles every 7 days and at 78 days the length and fresh matter of the aerial part, the fresh matter of the root and the number of tillers were evaluated. The results obtained were: in the aerial part length T2 and T3 obtained 73,60 and 72,11 cm respectively, differing significantly from T1 that presented 31,60 cm, whereas T4 did not differentiate significantly between treatments; the amount of tillers was 1,33 in T1 at 2,26 in T2 and T3, the fresh matter of the root was 29,00 g in T4 at 35,40 g in T2 and the fresh matter of aerial part of 46,00 g on T1 and 55,80 g on T2. Therefore, the data showed significant differences in the parameters evaluated.


growth regulators, biostimulants, physiology, plantnutrition, Saccharum officinarum


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5935/PAeT.%20V12.N1.11