Physical-chemical and biochemical characterization in biribazeiro fruits through multivariate analysis

Alex Guimarães Sanches, Antonio Rafael Gomes de Oliveira, Carlos Alberto Martins Cordeiro


The present study aimed to select matrices of biribazeiro based on physical, physicochemical and biochemical characteristics of its fruits, in order to establish criteria for the genetic improvement program of this species, through the use of multivariate techniques. The UPGMA and main component cluster analysis using biplot were performed in Statística 7.7 software. The characteristics evaluated were: fruit weight, longitudinal and transverse diameter, peel thickness, seed number, spike size, pulp weight, fruit firmness, soluble solids, titratable acidity, SS / AT ratio, pH, starch, compounds total phenolics, antioxidant activity and vitamin C. The analysis of clusters brought together the matrices in four heterotic groups on the physical and chemical attributes of the fruits. The analysis of the first two main components represented 58.88% of the total data variation and allowed to correlate matrices according to the angle and length of their vectors to the most relevant characters. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the G33, L89, D15 and K24 matrices are characterized by the high soluble solids content, while the matrix E18 presents high potential due to the higher content of bioactive compounds. Regarding the physical characters, highlight materials E23, J08 and C27 due to the higher weight of the pulp. The techniques of multivariate analysis used are consolidated as fundamental tools for the visualization and selection of the promising matrices, aiming at the genetic improvement of the biribazeiro.


Rollinia mucosa [Jacq.] Baill., exotic fruit, biplot, dendrogran

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