Piper crassinervium Kunth vegetative propagation: influence of substrates and stem cuttings positions

Erik Nunes Gomes, Diones Krinski


Piper crassinervium Kunth. is considered as a potential species for economic exploitation due to the production of compounds with important biological activities, such as essential oils and antioxidants. Despite this, studies on its cultivation and propagation are scarce. Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the viability of P. crassinervium vegetative propagation using cuttings collected from the apical, middle and basal positions of plagiotropic branches and different substrates for rooting. The cuttings were made with 10±1 cm, planted in plastic tubes containing vermiculite or Tropstrato® commercial substrate and kept in a greenhouse with intermittent mist. The stem cuttings remained in the greenhouse for 45 days until evaluation was carried out. Interaction between cuttings positions and substrates was not observed for none of the analyzed characteristics. Rooting percentage ranged from 18.8%, in basal cuttings, to 72.9% in middle ones. For rooting, survival and leaf retention, middle and apical cuttings obtained better performance, as well as the Tropstrato® substrate. Average roots number and shoots fresh weight did not vary according to treatments. It can be concluded that propagation through stem cutting is feasible for P. crassinervium. Apical and middle cuttings from plagiotropic branches as well as Tropstrato® substrate should be used for better rooting performance.


Jaborandi; Rooting; Tropstrato; Vermiculite

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5935/PAeT.V11.N3.05